Steam Tactics
19 Trofei: 1 Bronzo, 9 Argento, 8 Oro, 1 Platino

Off to a good start
Achieve your first victory
Piracy is fun but unsustainable
First steps
Level up a pilot for the first time
First upgrade
Upgrade an item for the first time
Not bad!
Upgrade an item to level 10
Two is better than one
Acquire a two-star item
It's getting hot in here
Acquire a flamethrower
Range matters
Acquire a torpedo launcher
It smells funny
Acquire an acid gun
Musk recommends
Acquire a tesla gun
They're cute in their teens
Level up a pilot to level 10
Acquire a three-star item
Ship collector
Acquire all ships
Gun collector
Acquire all guns
Complete the first chapter
Family ties
Defeat Hades
The Grand Inquisitor
Defeat Nicholaus
And the story ends
Complete the second chapter
Steam Tactics Platinum
Good job! Completed all tasks!